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Stability, Integrity, Trust

Estate & Trust Administration

We handle estates of all sizes, recognizing that every estate requires diligent and thorough attention, no matter its value or level of complexity.

Estate & Trust Administration

Estate Preservation Law Offices serves as legal counsel to executors, administrators and trustees, counseling them in the intricacies and complexities of estate administration and trust administration. In addition to the complicated legal responsibilities of fiduciaries, we are sensitive to the dynamics of families and beneficiaries that often play a significant factor in estate and trust administration.

We handle estates of all sizes, recognizing that every estate requires diligent and thorough attention, no matter its value or level of complexity. Our professionals work closely with executors and administrators through the entire probate and estate settlement process. From the initial assessment to the final beneficial distributions, we strive to be accessible and accommodating.

On the trust side, we offer professional trust administration services for all types of trusts. In representing a trustee, we develop streamlined and economically efficient systems that are tailored to the specific provisions and requirements of the trust.

Estate and Trust Administration Planning
Estate and Trust Administration Planning - Estate Preservation Law Offices - Worcester MA

Executor and Trustee Services

We also serve as executor and trustee for those clients who desire direct professional involvement in the administration process of their estate plans.

Our estate administration and trust administration services include:

  • Probate of the will/appointment of the executor or administrator
  • Preparation of inventory and fiduciary accounts
  • Identification of estate/trust assets and liabilities
  • Coordination of asset appraisals
  • Supervision of estate/trust receipts and distributions, including the sale/liquidation of assets, payment of debts, expenses and fees, and beneficial distributions
  • Postmortem tax planning including disclaimers
    Preparation and filing of state and federal estate tax returns
  • Preparation and filing of federal gift tax returns
    Coordination and review of state and federal fiduciary income tax returns
  • Trust funding and termination
  • Representation of estate and trust beneficiaries

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Worcester Office

71 Elm Street
Suite 100
Worcester, MA 01609

Uxbridge Office

9 N Main Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

Leominster Office

156 Hamilton Street
Leominster, MA 01453

Braintree Office

100 Grandview Road
Suite 405
Braintree, MA 02184

Cape Cod & Islands

776 Main Street
Hyannis, MA 02601