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Elder Law & Medicaid Planning

Estate Preservation Law Offices provides legal counsel and creative planning solutions for seniors and their families, helping them make the right financial, legal and healthcare decisions.

Elder Law and Long-Term Care Medicaid Planning

The baby boomer generation and elders today are living longer and enjoying active and dynamic lifestyles. At the same time, they face unprecedented challenges when it comes to planning for their futures. Many worry about protecting their most cherished asset, their homes. They worry about financial security and how to protect assets for their heirs in an economic environment where the cost of living coupled with the rising cost of healthcare and long-term care can deplete their finances.

Finally, they wonder how they will afford extended care in their later years, if needed, while preserving a legacy for their loved ones. It’s a sad fact, those who are facing imminent long-term-care situations and who have not planned adequately could conceivably lose everything.

Asset Protection Planning
Asset Protection Planning - Estate Preservation Law Offices - Worcester MA

Counsel Clients Elder Law & Medicaid Planning

Sensitive to our clients’ concerns, Estate Preservation Law Offices provides legal counsel and creative planning solutions for seniors and their families, helping them make the right financial, legal and healthcare decisions. We assist clients in navigating the ever-changing federal and state Medicaid laws and we counsel them on techniques available to protect their assets.

Medicaid and Elder Law Guiding Families

We also guide families through the strenuous process of qualifying for long-term care benefits, including Medicaid, handling the application process from start to finish. The process does not end there; we continue to work with clients to maintain and safeguard their eligibility.

Our Elder Law and Long-term Care / Medicaid Planning Services Include

  • Specialized planning techniques to protect assets, including trusts and various gifting strategies
  • Applications for Medicaid/MassHealth and other programs
  • Customized assessments for clients planning for the future or facing an imminent nursing home stay that analyze the protected status of each asset and offer specific recommendations and planning options

Our Multi-faceted Asset Protection Planning Services Include

  • Customized asset protection plans consisting of an in-depth analysis of the client’s assets to identify exposures and protected status with specific recommendations for techniques that the client may wish to use to increase the protection of the assets
  • Strategic titling of assets to utilize protected forms of ownerships
  • Entity planning and formation (corporations and LLCs)
  • Asset protection trusts
  • Protective structuring of your beneficiaries’ inheritance to minimize exposure to third-party exposures (such as divorce or creditors)
Asset Protection Planning - Estate Preservation Law - Worcester MA
Asset Protection Planning


Special Estate Planning Services

Clearly, the estate planning process is complex and the laws that regulate it are constantly changing. It takes attorneys who have developed in-depth expertise in this field and who remain up-to-date with regulations – to help clients properly plan their estates and to ensure that their assets are protected during their lifetimes and preserved for future generations.


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Perfect Team

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Michael Robert


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John Eduardo


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Bill Smiler


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Excepteur sint occaecat non sunt in qui officia.

Ut enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat excuer sante mona.

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Jasmine Clark


George King


Melissa Sim



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

— Frank Sinatra, Sample Co

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

— Frank Sinatra, Sample Co

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

— Frank Sinatra, Sample Co


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