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Bridging the Gap

Stability, Integrity, Trust

Equine & Pet Trust Planning

Our approach to creating a Pet Trust is straightforward and seamlessly integrated into the estate planning process.

Estate Preservation Law Offices’ team is focused on developing personal and long-lasting relationships with all our clients by treating them with respect and integrity – this standard is one of several principles that we honor when working with our clients.

Who We Are

The Estate Preservation Law Offices team is made up of legal professionals dedicated to the field of estate planning and its related specialties. Partners and firm founders Brendan J. King and Linda T. Cammuso are experienced attorneys who have earned recognition and respect for their skill and creativity in developing a unique model of planning that bridges the gap between conventional estate planning and asset protection. They have assembled a team of professionals who share their commitment to client service, each bringing a unique set of skills that together provide our clients with an unparalleled experience.

Our commitment to excellence is demonstrated in our ongoing professional development and education, and our constant refinement of our work products and processes. We work tirelessly to ensure that our services exceed the standards of our industry and the expectations of our clients.

Individuals, entrepreneurs, families, retirees, business owners, medical, legal and other professionals, parents of children with disabilities, pet owners, fiduciaries (trustees, executors/personal representatives and guardians/conservators) and nonprofit organizations, are among the diverse types of clients that look to EPLO to meet their needs. From simple issues to complicated problems, clients come to us for results, and we deliver. Our pride and satisfaction come from building an extraordinary rapport with clients and helping them to solve their problems and achieve their goals.

Asset Protection Planning
Asset Protection Planning - Estate Preservation Law Offices - Worcester MA

What We Do

Estate planning has become a highly specialized field that covers a dynamic and complicated array of subspecialties. A person’s estate planning needs are largely issue-driven: parents of a special needs child concerned about protecting their child’s benefits; retirees looking to protect their estate from the costs of long-term care; business owners seeking to insulate their assets from professional liability; probate avoidance; estate tax minimization; to name a few. The reality is we live in a complicated world with challenging issues.

Because each person’s situation is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to legal planning. As specialists in the field, we understand that the legal documents attorneys draft – wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney – are merely tools of the trade that need professional guidance to be properly applied to a person’s particular situation. The value of our services comes in taking planning to the next level.

With the expertise to navigate the complex planning issues faced by our clients, our approach is to provide a custom analysis of each client’s circumstances, strategize the best course of actions, and carefully develop our recommendations.

We then lead clients through our proven planning process that has been carefully designed for maximum efficiency and convenience.

Special Needs Planning & Disability Planning Working With You: Our Process

At EPLO, you will find expert advice given with care and compassion.  Our special needs and disability planning services include:

  • Drafting and administering special needs and supplemental needs trusts
  • Specialized estate plans for parents or other benefactors of disabled or special needs beneficiaries
  • Coordination of benefits applications
    Participation with clients’ other trusted advisors in the financial analysis of beneficiaries’ projected future needs and the related estate planning implications
  • Guardianships and conservatorships

The Role of Special Needs Trusts in Special Needs Planning

A Special Needs Trust (SNT) plays an important role special needs planning and in in preserving the financial security and independence of a person with special needs, and it assures that a child will be financially cared for when a parent, grandparent or other caregiver is no longer able to do so.

There are different types of SNTs, in addition to special accounts (known as ABLE accounts) that certain individuals may set up to shelter assets while preserving benefits.  Understanding the utility and interrelationship among these various planning strategies is a key component of special needs planning.


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Additional Services

In addition to estate planning and asset protection, we also offer a full array of traditional estate and trust administration services, elder law and Medicaid applications, special needs planning, probate services including estates and guardianships/conservatorships, corporate and small business planning, charitable planning, equine and pet trust services, and tax planning.

Clients of EPLO have our entire legal team at their disposal. Our long-time staff members are personable, efficient and most importantly share our vision for client service that includes prompt and proactive communication, and respect for our clients’ goals and timelines.

Asset Protection Planning - Estate Preservation Law - Worcester MA
Asset Protection Planning


Special Estate Planning Services

Clearly, the estate planning process is complex and the laws that regulate it are constantly changing. It takes attorneys who have developed in-depth expertise in this field and who remain up-to-date with regulations – to help clients properly plan their estates and to ensure that their assets are protected during their lifetimes and preserved for future generations.


About Estate Preservation Law Offices

Our goal is to develop personal and long-lasting relationships with our clients, treating them with respect and dignity.

Who We Are

The Estate Preservation Law Offices team is made up of legal professionals dedicated to the field of estate planning and its related specialties. Partners and firm founders Brendan J. King and Linda T. Cammuso are experienced attorneys who have earned recognition and respect for their skill and creativity in developing a unique model of planning that bridges the gap between conventional estate planning and asset protection. They have assembled a team of professionals who share their commitment to client service, each bringing a unique set of skills that together provide our clients with an unparalleled experience.

Our commitment to excellence is demonstrated in our ongoing professional development and education, and our constant refinement of our work products and processes. We work tirelessly to ensure that our services exceed the standards of our industry and the expectations of our clients.

Individuals, entrepreneurs, families, retirees, business owners, medical, legal and other professionals, parents of children with disabilities, pet owners, fiduciaries (trustees, executors/personal representatives and guardians/conservators) and nonprofit organizations, are among the diverse types of clients that look to EPLO to meet their needs. From simple issues to complicated problems, clients come to us for results, and we deliver. Our pride and satisfaction come from building an extraordinary rapport with clients and helping them to solve their problems and achieve their goals.


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Bill Smiler


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— Frank Sinatra, Sample Co

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— Frank Sinatra, Sample Co


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