World autism awareness
By Brendan J. King
Among the daily struggles of the COVID-19 global pandemic, we take this opportunity to highlight the unique and immense challenges this life-altering event has brought to individuals and families affected by Autism, who have occupied a spot on their own “front line” all along. While we are all experiencing some level of inconvenience or even hardship, the curtailed social interaction and temporary unavailability of programs and services is profoundly disruptive for individuals with Autism. This challenge has been compounded by job losses and limited access to supplies and resources.
Autism Awareness Month has historically been a time for families, educational and medical professionals, and members of the community at large, each uniquely impacted by Autism, to find support and camaraderie in their challenges. COVID-19 has taken away many of our conventional means of support and interaction, including postponement or cancellation of events and critical fundraisers so common this time of year.
At EPLO, this issue is deeply personal for us, and has shaped our approach to professional services in the area of special needs planning. As we remain operational through the pandemic, we welcome anyone in need of our services in the special needs planning area to reach out. Phone and video conferences have allowed clients to continue attending to their critical planning needs, and in-person options are available for emergency situations.
We take this opportunity to invite anyone looking for more information about planning for their loved one’s future to explore the many resources on our website in the area of special needs planning. Resources that might be of interest to you include: