As we search individually and collectively for peace of mind and security through the COVID-19 pandemic, please rest assured that EPLO remains fully operational to handle your estate planning and related needs.  As an essential business, we have continued to offer in-person and remote meetings.  We are practicing recommended sanitation and screening protocols to ensure the safety of our clients and staff.  From day one of this unprecedented event, our goal has been to ensure no disruption to the steadfast and convenient service you’ve come to expect from EPLO.

The events surrounding the pandemic have served as a poignant reminder of the importance of being prepared.  Your estate plan is no exception.  Many families are taking this opportunity to assess the state of their current estate planning needs.  Time away from the usual rigors of daily routine offers an opportunity to attend to outstanding projects, including updating your old estate plan or creating/finalizing a new one.  Using this time to attend to your personal legal affairs will help you feel productive and provide you and your loved one’s peace of mind.  Since many of our clients already prefer to work with us remotely (through phone/email/mail/video/etc.) to more conveniently accommodate their professional and personal obligations, we are well versed in effective remote planning.

As our communities come together to find a new normal, we will continue to do our part to provide you – our clients, professional partners and friends – with advice and assistance to guide you through these times and beyond.

We wish you safety and good health.  Thank you for placing your trust in our firm.